Posted in Tenacity

Creating Content

Earlier today or maybe yesterday, I thought about how our lives and the events that occur in our lives have an impact on how we focus. I remember being in high school and one of my grandfathers was on his death bed. I couldn’t focus at all during the day. I sat at my desk trying to keep from crying each time I thought about him in the hospital. When my father got sick, I couldn’t focus at work.

Today I am enduring my own life hurdles and I am very unsure about what tomorrow will bring. I have kept my word of being consistent with blogging daily, although some days I don’t even post anything intriguing. I just post so that I can stick with the consistency. Well… I don’t really have the drive to keep at blogging right now. I’m stuck in life and I have no idea which direction I’m going. I don’t have anyone I can talk to about my issues and I don’t really have anyone who can help me with my troubles, because everyone has their own lives to tend to.

I’ve always enjoyed writing. Blogging, I felt was a way to express myself and I could eventually grow it into a business. I haven’t had much success in turning it into a business. My following is rather small and I haven’t even truly found my footing. I’ve created MANY blogs over the years that I’ve abandoned. I told myself I would make something special of this one. Maybe I will get in the groove one day and it will blossom into something beautiful… But right now, I just need a break.

Content Creation is a bit like television. When the picture is clear, it’s beautiful. But when you’re in between stations or have no clear signal, there’s static. I am at a very static-like phase of life right now. The picture is still unclear. Bear with me while I fine tune some things.