Posted in Tenacity

Creating Content

Earlier today or maybe yesterday, I thought about how our lives and the events that occur in our lives have an impact on how we focus. I remember being in high school and one of my grandfathers was on his death bed. I couldn’t focus at all during the day. I sat at my desk trying to keep from crying each time I thought about him in the hospital. When my father got sick, I couldn’t focus at work.

Today I am enduring my own life hurdles and I am very unsure about what tomorrow will bring. I have kept my word of being consistent with blogging daily, although some days I don’t even post anything intriguing. I just post so that I can stick with the consistency. Well… I don’t really have the drive to keep at blogging right now. I’m stuck in life and I have no idea which direction I’m going. I don’t have anyone I can talk to about my issues and I don’t really have anyone who can help me with my troubles, because everyone has their own lives to tend to.

I’ve always enjoyed writing. Blogging, I felt was a way to express myself and I could eventually grow it into a business. I haven’t had much success in turning it into a business. My following is rather small and I haven’t even truly found my footing. I’ve created MANY blogs over the years that I’ve abandoned. I told myself I would make something special of this one. Maybe I will get in the groove one day and it will blossom into something beautiful… But right now, I just need a break.

Content Creation is a bit like television. When the picture is clear, it’s beautiful. But when you’re in between stations or have no clear signal, there’s static. I am at a very static-like phase of life right now. The picture is still unclear. Bear with me while I fine tune some things.

Posted in Finances

Financial Fitness

In a world obsessed with physical fitness… We must recognize that we also need fitness in our financial lives. I’ve always been great at managing money. Over the past year, as I’ve gone through my own internal struggles, I’ve been totally careless and frivolous with my funds. That’s something I’ve NEVER done before. I’d always saved more than I’d spend. I’d always make sure all the bills were paid before I purchased new things. I was a tight wad… A frugalist.

I sit here now… Starting my life totally from scratch… And I wonder what I’m going to do to get back in the position I need to be in to feel safe, secure and comfortable. Maybe I should read a bit about financial literacy and implement the things I learn in my daily life? Beginning anew isn’t easy…. But I am going to see what happens.

Posted in Ambition

On My Own

My whole adult life, I’ve been on my own. I always had to figure things out without any help. I’ve never had a support system. That’s ok. I learned a lot through that experience. Lately I’ve been feeling like I am going backwards in the game and I’m trying to stay ahead. I’ve learned that I don’t need to be always doing something in order to feel productive. Sometimes getting rest and taking a break is just what I need. I have my off days when I am not hopeful about the future. Then once in a while I feel like there must be a reason I’m here. It’s not easy maneuvering life all alone, but what other choice do I have? I’ll figure it out eventually. I’ll get where I’m going when the time is right. I can’t stop now.

Posted in GOSSiiP

Rooting For The Underdog

I always root for the underdog. Maybe because I’ve always been the underdog. Popularity usually meant mediocrity to me. Most of the ppl who were popular were corny and unimpressive.

Writing Is My GIFT

Writing is my gift. I remember scribbling in my composition notebook on the way to school everyday, in the back of my father’s cab. I was only 5 years old. But since then, I’ve never put down the pen(cil). I’ve always been too shy to speak in front of an audience. But I’ve never held back when I express my thoughts via writing. Many ppl love to read. What a gift it would be for to me to have someone, someday… think of my writing as a beautiful work of art?

QUICK QUESTION: What’s your gift?

Posted in GOSSiiP

Something Is Better Than Nothing

Nothing is better than something I don’t really want.


They say “Something is better than nothing”. I say “Nothing is better than something I don’t really want”. I’ve worked many jobs that I hated because something is better than nothing. A couple of paper dollars isn’t worth much if I have no inner peace. Lots of women are married because something is better than nothing. Having a husband is better than having no husband. What a miserable life to live?! I have arrived at the conclusion that a person should say “no thank you” to things that don’t please them and go after what they truly want. I understand some people have certain responsibilities that prevent them from just having nothing. But to those who don’t have such obligations…. Why put up with shit that doesn’t bring you joy if you don’t have to?

And the moral of this story: Something is NOT better than nothing if that something doesn’t bring you joy!

Posted in Motivation

Asking For Help

If ever there comes a time when you need help, don’t be too prideful nor ashamed to ask. The person or people you ask will either say “yes”, “no” or ignore you all together. No matter the outcome, you came in with nothing, so don’t stress about their response. If someone is willing to help you, great. If you can not find someone to help you, figure out a way to do it yourself. That may not always be possible or easy at the moment, but know that any time there is a problem, somewhere nearby is a solution. Put in the effort required to bring about the changes you need in your life. Never be afraid to ask for help…but even if you don’t receive it, roll up your sleeves and get it done. When you meet your goals, you will be happy no matter what.

I’m just talking to myself. But I know somewhere out there someone is listening.

Posted in GOSSiiP

Use Your Voice

Even if you think what you have to say may rub someone the wrong way… speak UP for yourself. Say what’s on your mind and don’t hold back. Often times we bite our tongues to our own detriment. We will keep silent about things that bother us, so that we don’t create conflict or tension. I am here to say “screw that”. It is time to start verbalizing the things that disturb us so people will know not to do them. If someone is too close to you in line, ask them to give you a little space. If someone touches your belongings and you don’t like that… tell them not to touch your shit. Forget being polite. People are often very rude and obnoxious with their disregard for your feelings, but there’s a problem when you set a boundary. Don’t allow these narcissistic parasites and bullies to push you around because they will surely try. You don’t have to be uncomfortable anywhere you are because of the raggedy people that bring weird, negative energy. It’s perfectly ok to publicly reject other peoples negativity. This is the season to proclaim your peace and stay guarded from unwanted bullshit.

I‘m just talking to myself… But I know you hear me out there!