Ugly People Have The Audacity

Ugly people are mean. To make it worse, they have the audacity to call other people ugly. They have the audacity to treat people poorly. They have the audacity to have higher standards than most people. Like… How are you ugly, telling someone they’re not good enough for you? Lol

Posted in TLK

Misery Must Feel Horrible

When I think of the things miserable people do to bring you down to their level… I realize just how horrible it must be to dwell there. I often see people engage with their coworkers and laugh and joke amongst one another… All the while doing shady, hateful things to those who are not a part of their clique. Ppl who look down upon others due to their circumstances or statuses are usually the ringleaders. How horrible must misery be, for a person to pick on someone “less fortunate” than themselves?

Having the chance to experience my times of being at rock bottom… I got to see the world for what it really is. Most humans don’t appreciate what they have…. They just get a kick out of pouring their shit upon those they deem “less than” they are. But in all honesty, the people who are unkind… no matter their social or financial statuses are the most POOR people there are. Money and status don’t make you better than you are… The caliber of your heart determines your rank in life. Many people with no dollars are very rich. Many people with great wealth are DIRT POOR! If one has no love inside their hearts… I feel sorry for them! What a raggedy experience that must be?!

Posted in GOSSiiP

Spilling My Heart Out Pt. 1

Age 5 is when I learned that girls are phony. The little girl in my kindergarten class would sometimes talk to me and other times whisper about me. This pattern has been consistent throughout my life.

Age 8 is when I learned that if I hit someone, they have every right to hit me back. I was walking home from school with my sister who’s 6 yrs older than me and her high school classmates. One of the boys was 15. He was much taller than me, being that I was only 8. But I kept punching him in the arm. I punched him about 3 times. And do you know what he did? HE PUNCHED ME BACK! And it hurt! What did I do? Well I surely didn’t cry, if that’s what you’re thinking. I did what any kid with good sense would do… I left him the fuck alone! And that’s the day I learned that if I hit anyone, whether it be a boy or girl… that they have every right to hit me back. So keep your hands to yourself.

Posted in LIFE

What The Patterns of Life Taught Me

  • Quiet ppl can fight
  • Bullies are cowards
  • The girls who pretend to be “too good” for everything usually have dirty vaginas and dirty houses
  • Most girls are phony, envious & jealous gossips
  • Most humans value money over God
  • Most ppl who claim to follow God are really demons
Posted in GOSSiiP

Here’s Why Humans Are Stupid

Humans are stupid because, if their favorite celebrity does something, they think it’s cute… But if an average hoodrat from around the way did the same thing, they’d be calling them ghetto. For example: A woman having 3+ baby daddies. Most people frown upon such things. But people love Erykah Badu. Pure stupidity.

Posted in LIFE

This Is Who I AM

I’ve never had a support system. I’ve never had friends. I’ve always been the outcast. Surrounded by many, yet always all alone. I was never popular. I was always the underdog. I never cared about fitting in… I only ever desired to be accepted as I AM… To no avail. I’ve never followed the crowd. I’ve always thought the crowd to be stupid. I get to know people for myself to know if I like them or not. I don’t like nor dislike people just because everyone else does/doesn’t. I determine who I like based upon how they treat me. Growing up, I never liked bullies, nor was I ever a bully. I’d always test a person. If I’d fuck with someone and they wouldn’t stick up for themselves, I’d leave them alone. I only fucked with and respected the people who would crack my ass back when I messed with them. Most people are bullies who only mess with people who don’t stick up for themselves. Coward ass bitches. As a kid, I always hated a tattle-tale ass kid. Ol punk ass bitch. I was never a tattle tale. I’m not telling shit. If you fuck with me… I’ma get yo ass back! I’ve been that way since I was a tiny kid, well into my adult years. From a little kid, to an old ass lady… If you fuck with me… I’ma fuck right back with you! Go play with yo momma bitch! Not me!

Posted in TLK

My Recent Revelation

I am grateful to the people who have subscribed to my blog. I am still trying to find a feel of what I want to do with this blog and how to turn it into something OFFICIAL. I desire to share my heartfelt truth… But I haven’t figured out how to construct it. I’ve been having certain revelations over he past couple of days. Recognizing that I must find comfort in solitude instead of desiring relationships that aren’t currently on the itinerary. I often wonder when I’ll feel that I’ve accomplished something worthwhile… But I also know that I can’t rush anything.